A man in a blue long sleeved tee leans up against a red-brick wall.

More Headshots

Continuing the theme of photographing people, I went to Port Adelaide with Simon and family on the weekend. We spent some time around the woolsheds where we found a nice door and a nice wall to stand by.

Simon is, like me, more comfortable behind the camera rather than in front of it, but I think he looks at ease here.

A man in a blue long sleeve tee stands with his hands in his pockets (thumbs out) in front of a red corrugated iron door.

Do you have an idea for some portraits that you'd like to discuss? Or want something exactly like this? Please get in touch.

Thanks Sari for the excellent reflector wrangling in the wind.

A woman in black leggings obscures her torso and head with a large circular golden reflector.
Thanks Sari!